When I decided to put out my shingle as a Christmas Performing Instructor, I had some specific goals in mind.
- To emphasis Performing (there were already great schools dealing with the business side of it)
- To develop a new model, where my courses were hosted by communities: To get them to invest in themselves and potentially help them share in the proceeds as well
- To try to tune each workshop for each community, so we have surveys before and after each class
- To help them realize that it is a Performing artform, worthy of continuing investment and practice
- To help them realize what an amazing resource they have in each other and how there are great resources outside of our field as well
- To actively support Women, the LGTBQ Community, and Persons of Color in this artform
- To aggressively create and refine new content addressing new opportunities and issues
- To avoid Candy Cane Cuteness and treat a room full of white haired folks like what they are: Tough, giving people who have seen a LOT of life
- To help folks embrace THEIR own Creativity and unique characters, and to create new Performing opportunities
CPW has been around a few years. How are we doing so far?