Fundamentals Workshop Participant Survey – Email Version
If you had trouble with the form on the Fundamentals Workshop Participant Survey page, please copy the following and answer in an email to be sent to — PLEASE be sure to answer the mandatory questions that start with a * star. The rest of the questions are optional, complete the best you can.
*1. Email address:
*2. Modern First Name:
*3. Modern Last Name:
*4. Performing Name (such as Santa Nick) How do you want your name to appear on your Workshop Certificate?
*5. Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
*6. What Workshop will you be attending? Date, Location, and Topic (if you know):
7. Cell Phone Number:
8. City, State:
9. Your website (if any):
10. How long have you been a Christmas Performer?:
11. Have you worked with a performance partner? (Yes/No):
12. If yes, who’s your partner? Mrs. Claus, Santa Claus, Christmas Elf, Other:
13. Do you have prior experience in performance or training in performance? If so, how long? (For example, “studied two years of theatre in college,” or “sang in choir for four years,” or “took a few dance classes”):
14. On a scale of “0=none” to “5=All the Time,” how much do you conduct the following types of gigs or appointments?
14a. Home Visits 0-5:
14b. Charity Visits 0-5:
14c. Mall Work 0-5:
14d. Photography Sessions 0-5:
14e. Commercials 0-5:
14f. Special Events 0-5:
14g. Corporate Events 0-5:
15. As a Christmas Performer, which types of skills below do you use at your Visits? (Select as many as you like):
15a. Story Telling (no books) (Yes/No):
15b. Story Reading (with a book as prop) (Yes/No):
15c. Singing (Yes/No):
15d. Event Emcee (Yes/No):
15e. Magic (Yes/No):
15f. Musical Instrument (Yes/No):
15g. Balloon Tying (Yes/No):
15h. Puppetry (Yes/No):
15i. Dance (Yes/No):
15j. Certified Reindeer Wrangler
15k. Other:
16. Do you have a Manager, Handler, or Agent? (Does someone help you with your paperwork and booking information?
17. Do you have any persons you work with regularly to develop your skills or talents?
18. When you are not performing for Christmas, what do you do for a living now or what did you used to do?
19. What other skills might be interesting to your Christmas Community? (Skills could include Woodworking, Sewing, Painting, Website development, Accounting, Volunteer Coordinator…)
20. Who are some people who have helped mentor you as a Christmas Performer?
21. Who are some people you have assisted and mentored in their performance skills?
22. What are some strengths you bring to being a Christmas Performer?
23. What are your weaknesses that you would like to improve?
24. Have you developed a “Personal North Pole” or “Personal Background” story for your Christmas Performance?
25. Which topics would you be interested in studying further?
25a. Voice (learning to project, singing, public speaking) (Yes/No):
25b. Story Telling (recitation from memory or original material) (Yes/No):
25c. Story Reading (using books as effective crowd props) (Yes/No):
25d. Improvisation (comedy or theatrical improv) (Yes/No):
25e. Props and Technology (and use in Christmas Performing) (Yes/No):
25f. Physicality (stage movement, gestures, character work) (Yes/No):
25g. Rock-Solid Santa (marathon performances, difficult audiences) (Yes/No):
25h. Creativity (writing and developing original material) (Yes/No):
25i. Building Your Back Story (in depth character work) (Yes/No):
25j. Creating Your Tellable Tales (Yes/No):
25k. Santa Research and Lore (history, myth, folklore, and legends) (Yes/No):
25l. Creative Coaching and Feedback (Yes/No):
25m. Photo Mojo (taking and posing for photos) (Yes/No):
25n. Marketing Magic for your Clients (Yes/No):
25o. Auditioning for Commercials (Yes/No):
25p. A Time to Shine: Focusing on the Female Performers, Managers, and Handlers (Yes/No):
25q. Developing the Performing Team (Yes/No):
26. What are you hoping to learn in this upcoming workshop?
27. Do you have any additional questions or issues to be addressed in this upcoming workshop? (Focusing on Performance, Story Telling, and Creative Coaching categories)
*28. Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19 or have you had COVID-19 and recovered from it?
29. Accessibility Needs: If you are immune-compromised or have other issues (such as mobility restrictions or hearing loss), please let us know so we can do our best to help accommodate your needs.
Send your questions and answers to
Thank you!